
Friday, May 25, 2007

Busy for what?

Green/white crystals choker

Pink rose and crystals necklace & earrings
Purple crystals silver earrings

For the last month, I was busy making and designing different kind of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings with crystals, beads and other stones. I enjoy making them and feel excited when people like them and buy them. Last week, in VPL, we had a staff craft sale. Within 2 hours, I sold many of my designs. Two of the above design were sold already. Of course, I was so called "an artist" in the craft sale. So I always tell my friends don't need to buy necklaces, earrings or bracelets for me as my birthday gifts as I have a lot.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Truthfulness of Bible

Luke fellowship will have a gathering to talk about "the truthfulness of bible" in this coming Saturday. "Step chick" has prepared a lot of information for each cell group to read. Thanks for his time and heart to facilitate the gathering.

Although there is a lot of info, it seems we don't have enough time to read before we plan for the presentation. At least not every single cell member will read the info. However, some of them in my cell group are nice. They generously accepted my request to be the leaders in this presentation. They are Dom, Joe and Step W. So we had dinner together to throw some ideas out for the presentation.

I'm so touched that one of them said, "after I received your e-mail, I 'na na lum' printed out all the info from all the links", which is ton of pages. Though he is not able to read all, the quick response makes me feel happy. As a leader, I can only encourage my cell members to do what they can. Out of ten, there is one who reacted so promptly, and some read before they came to the gathering, which makes my effort worth.

During the cell meeting, we first discussed and shared Chapter 8 of "Jesus I never knew". So time was a little bit tight. I hope I was not too pushy. After the chapter, everyone contributed some ideas for the coming presentation. It was a quick and a get to the point discussion. Within an hour, we already had a draft, and set all the roles. I do believe people who actively participate will learn more and gain more . All in all, my cell group is an excellent group. They are helpful and cooperative. Thank God for putting them together in my cell.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007


兩星期前, 早上起床, 頓覺背部劇疼. 回到圖書館馬上找physio book appointment. 當天 因 有course 要 教, 所以 不能太早走; 唯 有叫patrons 千萬 要準時, 好讓我能及時離開去看 physio. 這兩位學生很好, 又聰明. 教完課後, 差不多要 離開, 他們好像有問題要問, 我便說, "有不明白嗎?" 其中一個女的說, 你不舒服也來教我們, 真好! 其實, 我 是高級中醫師, 也幫人做推拿的, 要不要試試?" 我當然樂於一試啦, 真的按摩得很舒服阿! 就這樣在圖書館的一角, 她替我推拿了十多分鐘, 因要趕回Richmond 看physio, 所以謝過她後, 便離開. 原來她 的收費頗貴, 要$70 for 45 分鐘呢! 教 這個course 已有2 個月, 那天是"最後的一堂課"也是最後的一對學生, 在我背疼的時候真的巧合地遇上她! 那天的課叫一 對 一, 但我因 時間關係, 改作 一 對二; 結果呢, 她 是一對 一地替我 推拿! 真 的 讓 我感到 人 間 有 情.


Monday, May 07, 2007


星期六去了大溫培靈會, 講員來自香港, 當然語音特別親切, 比用國語傳譯來得直接. 郭文池 牧師使用了不難明白的例子來道出了主題 – 當不明前路時.
他很直接的說出 "誰敬畏耶和華, 耶和華必指 示 他 當選擇 的道路."
當我們 [苦苦問神的心意] 的時候, 神要求我們要抱有怎樣的態度呢?
就是先 要 有 " 敬畏耶和華"的心. 那麼祂必指 示 你 當 行 的道路.



I haven’t updated my blog and read others blogs for a while. 估不到
“有人遲官歸故里, 有人漏夜趕科場”. 取其意思吧了.
Anyway, welcome to the new blogger, beebear.
I think there is no pressure of writing a blog as I can write it anytime and any days. Unlike work, I have to do it according to schedules. So, just take it easy.
