
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesdays with Morrie

I just finished the video adapted from the book. It is a real good one which lasts for 90 mins. After watching the movie, I borrowed the book to read. I hope I can find more details of the meaning of life from the book. Surprisingly almost most of the important points of the book were put into the movie. You know sometimes it is totally different from reading a book to watching a movie. I highly recommend everyone to watch or read, perhaps for cell group then followed by sharing.

In the video, Morrie always says "people must love one another or be die." He is a dying man, but still feels life is meaningful.
According to Morrie, the professor, said there are important things in life:

death, fear, ageing, greed, love, marriage, family, society & forgiveness.

About death:
He said why it is so hard to think about dying. But everyone knows someone who has died. Still no one believes they're going to die. Death is as natural as life. It's part of the deal we made. Everything that gets born, dies. It is natural to die. The fact that we make such a big thing over it is all because we don't see ourselves as part of nature. We think because we're human; we're something above nature.

About love & family:
Without love, we are birds with broken wings. Love you created is still there. Memories are still there in the hearts of everyone you have touched. Death ends a life, not a relationship.

About society:
If you're trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. They're look down at you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for people at the bottom, forget it. They will only envy you.

The messages in the book are inspiring. It talks the subject - the meaning of life. All Morrie talked about was from experience, no books to follow. I think this is a good book. I'm thinking of using this book for my new cell group discussion. Those topics are practical though we seldom talk about them in fellowship nor in cell group.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Treetops Adventure

As usual I prefer to take my visitors to try public transit on the second day. I think that is the way one can learn the city better. So we started off from Richmond by 98B line to the waterfront station in Van. Then get on the seabus to NV, and take another bus to the Capilano Suspension bridge. It took about an hour and half. The suspension bridge has more to see now. They have set up more displays and activities. One new thing is the treetops adventure. The engineers built a very long bridge in the sky to connect 8 fir trees from one spot to another. Visitors can walk on the elevated suspension bridge to see the forest. I think it is cool.

After spending 2 hours there, we went back to NV waterfront park and enjoyed the nice scenery by the sea. Then we got on seabus again and back to Van. Take a few shot at the gas clock, then walked up to the Library Square. This was the downtown tour. So of course we walked up to the Robson, then back on 98B line to Richmond. I think all of us had enough walk today. We are tired! Btw, thanks Arnold's bus pass so that my friends can save some money for the transit

Tour guide

My secondary school classmate and her family came to visit me last weekend. In order to help them overcome the jet lag, I drove them around to a few places on the first day. We went to Fishermen wharf & River Road in Richmond. About 4 p.m, two adults were tired due to jet lag; however the little girl who is 6 still very energetic. After an hour rest at my home, then I drove them to the Quayside in NW in order to keep them awake for a few more hours. As weather was exceptionally hot to me, not to them who came from HK., that's why I chose to go to waterfront all the time. At least we walked along the river and caressed by breeze. It was a very nice walk along the Quay, and we saw lumber transportation along the Fraser River. I wonder why the Quay is never listed as one main destination for tourists. Whenever I have friends visit me, I certainly bring them here to enjoy the beautiful gardening and the Fraser River.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alpha extension 2006 Part 2

These are the dessert for the movie gathering - Grass jelly in coconut milk. = 涼粉椰汁冰 or 燒仙草椰汁冰. I tried myself, it tastes pretty good. Another choice for ppl who dare not to try is jello in a pretty glass container. A sister brought some cookies to share with us.

Back to the movie, I think it is excellent. It gives us an overall picture of the history of Hebrews lived in Egypt, and how Moses led them out the Evil place., and also how the Hebrews forgot God's promises. We can learn a lot from the bible through the behavior of the Hebrews. Hope the movie can help everyone to understand more when they study the New Testament later.