
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

God, am I too slow?

I always have a thought that I should not be too pushy to my "Ho pun yau" regarding religious belief as I know it takes time for people to accept. God gives me a surprise that "Ho Pun Yau" confirmed Jesus as his saviour two weeks ago. Once again on Sunday when we were watching "Yan Yue Chi Sing", he asked me if I can give her the "Zhu To Man" and tell him how to pray. Oh my God, isn't it too fast? Did he really mean what he said? I feel happy that he asked me, but on the other hand, I feel a little bit sorry. Then I asked myself "am I too slow to lead him to know you, God?" So I think I should be more proactive now. Also, I should not forget my neighbour, Joanna. May my friends pray for them to have the Holy Spirit to help them know you and understand your words more?

Monday, May 22, 2006

My first flower arrangement


***Fresh flower with fresh fruit***

Thursday, May 18, 2006


神是牧羊人。 五月十五日, 祂在Alpha晚宴上, 尋
獲了兩隻小羊; 一隻羊仔, 一隻羊女, 恭喜恭喜 。 有幸葉sir坐在席上和我們一起進膳; 藉 此機會, 他邀請"好朋友" 及我的鄰居"決志"。 我也"幫口" 解釋給這些 "新朋友" 知道, 何謂 "決志", 是怎麼一回事, 是怎樣進行的。 傳道的人要小心, 我們用慣了的術語, 在"外行人"是不明白的, 因為他們根本不知道要成為基督徒是有不同的步驟! 不是"受浸" 了才是神的兒女。 但願聖靈繼續在羊仔和羊女心裏工作, 堅固他們的心。

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


每天上班都乘搭98B Line, 當車在Granville 橋上行走時, 總愛四處張望。 不同季節,有不同的風光。 春天有盛放的櫻花; 夏天有青蔥的綠樹; 秋天有血紅的楓葉; 冬天遠眺北面有皚皚白雪。 如果一個旅程, 只在乎到達目 的地, 而忽略了沿途的美好風光, 是多麼可惜啊! 假如人生只是朝著目的地走去, 那終點不就是死亡嗎? 那有什麼好走!? 只是我們暫居在世, 便有如一位客旅, 應該懂得享受沿途風光。 既然我們是基督徒, 有永生的盼望, 那麼人生 的終點雖是死亡, 卻不是滅亡。

在這人生的旅途, 有人搭短途車, 很快便下車了; 有人搭長途車, 遙遙長路。 無論我們是那一類的客旅, 絕大部份人都不想孤身走我路! 於是在這漫長的旅途中, 兩個人在 某一交叉點上遇到, 攜手分享沿途的美好風光, 讓這個旅程潻上姿彩。 神說:<兩個人總比一個人好>, 便道出此理。