
Saturday, September 15, 2007

So busy

This week is a super busy week. I totally attended 4 meetings in the evenings. After every meeting, there must be some paper work to follow. Tons of emails to read and reply. I noticed that I was very absent-minded this week as there are so much things in my mind. So I end up with poor sleeping quality and have heavy head these 2 days. JC needs to coordinate a program in Caleb Fellowship. I know he is very busy at work, so I can't help giving him a hand.

How about next week? Still busy. Yes, yes. As we need to spend sometime to talk about the presentation and set an evening to do rehearsal. Then the program itself is on Friday evening.

Lately I notice that quite a few Lukies need to go out of town for business trips. That looks like a trend for some of us. It seldoms happens before. Does the nature of work change to be more gobally now!



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