
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Last cell group gathering

My cell group will officially end in this coming Saturday. Throughout the year, I came across quite a lot of different things, up and down, from personal to work. Who walked with me during this past year so that I can still be strong? I trust God is by my side, He also sends angels to walk with me and comfort me.

I hope everyone in this cell group has at least learnt something if not too many. Good thing is I feel they are happy to be present in every cell group gathering. Everyone is so cooperative to response to e-mails (of course some need to follow up & follow up). That's why we have adm. & cell group leader to double check/watch. Whenever I am a cell group leader, I do offer extra time to manage the cell and try to know them better. By doing this, I hope they have sense of belonging and everyone can attach together at least for one year. Thanks for everyone's participation. Your presence do support the whole group and one another's spiritual growth.

We will finish the last chapter of "Jesus I knew knew" at Kitslano beach this saturday, Hurray!! How to celebrate? Of course with the sparling firework.



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