
Friday, July 27, 2007

On strike

I eventually participate in one of the Canadian Culture - Strike which is a breaking record in VPL history.

According to the rule, members need to picket for 20 hours a week in order to get some $$$ ( I call it "transportation fee"). Of course, not only the $$$, but also to show solidarity to our union. A huge crowd about 400 members presented at the Central Library on first day. This is an opportunity to catch up with colleagues who haven't seen for long. Then we say how many topics we can chat for a day long picketing. It is boring to walk around. Time runs slowly. So next week I will bring a book to read and kill some time.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007


話說教會 大旅行, 其中一個環節是"扯大纜", 由RCAC 對福滿堂. 一開始的時候, 人數也頗多, 有些弟兄 不肯"出 手", 只在有蔭的地方靠著站, 大有隔岸觀火之勢. 少我一個不少. 戰 事開始, 拉阿, 拉阿, ... 嘩, 勢軍力敵, 撼入拉鋸戰, 我們一班姊妹大聲吶喊, 大 寶叫得尤其大聲, 要 為佢honey 打氣, 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉; 從 後及兩旁, 本來"袖手旁觀的 K, J & S 弟兄飛撲出去, 加入隊中"幫拖" (迅速飛奔的情景, 實在令姊妹覺得有點 震撼) ; 姊妹繼續聲嘶力 歇的吶喊, 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉; 我 隊慢慢地取回 優勢, "幫 拖" 成功了, 好野, 贏了. 又 一次證明真的"一個都不能少"!
唉唷, 戰 況太激烈, 忘了影相!!!
