
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Free Gift

I have been working for City of Vancouver for years. However, City never gives any gifts, of course no free lunch. In my surprise, City gave this Olympic Games Host City Pin free to us when the countdown clock was unveiled to the public. How exciting it was to get a free gift to feel the spirit of the 2010 Winter Games! I wonder if I will lose it before the Games start in about 3 years. Where should I keep it?!


Friday, February 16, 2007


見到這麼漂亮的杯碟, 真的愛上她們。不單有美麗的pattern, 也有巧奪天功的設計。 這款是眾多Royal Albert出品之一, 屬於Lavender Rose 糸列。 現在差不多已擁有一set high tea茶具, 包括一個大茶壼, 六套茶杯, 一套奶瓶+糖碗, 及蛋糕碟。 朋友到訪談天, 當然大派用場; 就是週末彧放假在家, 自己也會用來品茗, 輕輕鬆鬆地享受一下, 自得其樂。 為了她們, 前一陣子經常上Ebay投, 好像中了毒一樣, 差點不能自控。 原來Royal Albert 已經轉手, 不再在英國制, 改在Malaysia生產, 手功差極了, 杯碟的backstamp再沒有England字樣。 在市面上出售的, 品質較差, 只能在EBay投回來, 我的戰利品大多由英國寄來。 現在要自制, 因為項目眾多, 再投下去, 恐怕要宣佈破產。
