
Monday, September 25, 2006


正所謂 “解鈴還需繫鈴人”,
那麼 ”心結需要心藥醫 ”,
但是 ”心藥” 可從那裡尋?
還是只有仰望神, 才能把心結解開, 才能獲得醫治呢?


Saturday, September 09, 2006


回想這過去十年, 路加團不斷在改變; 變得人面全非, 十年前仍留在團裏的人, 已是寥寥可數。 有的升上夫婦團契, 有的離開了教會, 轉到別的團契聚會。 由最初得廿多人, 加入了但以理團後, 變成三十多人, 今年再加入提摩太團, 第一次聚會, 看來有五十人之多。 不要說新的不習慣, 就是連舊的我, 也有點不太自在的感覺, 不竟大家都需要時間去適應, 去融入。 今年一早已答應會帶小組, 但願各人都能有融洽的相交, 好的分享, 讓大家在未來的一年內可以在靈裏一起支持, 一起成長。 又願神給我智慧和足夠的能力去帶領小組, 因為我知道單靠我個人,實在做不了什麼, 唯有仰望神, 才能成就一切。都為到今年的團契職員禱告, 願神加力給他/她們, 因為要帶領如此大的團契,實在不易。


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

what happened in this summer?

It seems I haven't done too much this summer, except a trip to the East Coast. I really enjoyed this trip very much. My best friends in Toronto took me to different places to try food. We have gone to try Korean cold noodle, Vietnamese sub, hot pot, oysters and lobsters. Although the trip lasted for only 9 days, we highly made use of every day. Places I visited including Toronto, Old Quebec City, Montreal, New Brunswick, and P.E.I. Thank you so much for Peter and Viola's warm welcome. They even bought me a gift to bring back to Vancouver. A glass dish in fish shape and comes with a cute knife.