
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Aquarius Part 3

Feb 4th

Arr, eventually today is my birthday la la la!!! Got up late since I went to bed so late (oop, too early at 2 a.m.)!

"ho pung yau" came at 12:30 p.m. with a beautiful bouquet of rose with baby's breath. He said "ho choi" my birthday is on the 4th, not 14th, otherwise it will cost double as the salesperson @ the florist shop told him.

What's next?
We drove to the Season Restaurant at QE Park for lunch lor. Good view, good service & good food. It is a very nice restaurant. No matter where you sit, you can oversee the whole Vancouver. Of course, you pay for the view, too. After lunch, we wanted to walk around the park. However, it was very windy with rain. So we decided to leave as both of us just recovered from cold.

What's next next arr?

"ho pun yau" said we could go to Oakridge Mall. He said, "I give you an hour to shop for your birthday gift!" I said, "wah, ho 'ho hei' arr. u'll be broke! Even u give me 15 mins, it can cost a fortune!" Where I have gone into? hehe, of course, the Swarvoski Store la. Everything there is twinkling, so as my eyes! I picked a casual wear necklace with a clear crystal butterfly as the pendant. Then we went home as I need to put the bouquet into vase. Then we took some pics at home.

What's next next next arr?

Aiya, too long la. no one wants to read lor. In short, it was a warm and a very happy birthday.


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