
Saturday, April 08, 2006


Alpha has already started for 2 weeks. I have invited 3 friends to go. So far they all feel fine with the program. I am so happy that they all can make it on time. In our group, a few of them go to work very far away from Richmond. The 1st and 2nd week, some came half hour late, some an hour late. I am proud of my "Ho peng yau" who always come on time. He never comes on time except our first few dates!!!

K: ah, you are on time wor.
J: Jesus calls me, so I have to be on time.
K: oh, you respect HIM more than I, but that's ok.

(on the phone)
X: are you free to play badminton in the evening?
J: Yes, every evening is ok, except Monday.

J said to me: did I say it right?
K (meng cha cha): Ha, monday evening ??
J : Go to church - alpha ah.
K: Oh, yes yes. how nice you put it in heart! hehe.

I keep praying for the alpha program, esp. those new friends. Hope they can come every week and enjoy the program.


  • oh yeah.. that's so si-weet si-weet!!
    i'll remember to keep them in my prayer too!
    and pray that the spirit will work in their hearts....!!!

    By Blogger mandy, at 7:16 PM  

  • yes, si-sweet ga. Pls. keep praying for alpha la. It is like a "team" at work. Everyone has their responsibilites, no matter small or big, to make every gathering successful.

    By Blogger 言西早, at 9:53 PM  

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